Lab bench power Supply / Voltage regulator with current limiter and indicators / adjustable volage current regulator
Hey! today I am going to show you how to make a lab bench power supply with very important properties.Such as current limiting. I searched in the internet for this but I couldn't find a single solution. So I thought to design a one for me and it worked nicely. So I thought of sharing my design on my blog OK. this is what we going to make. This will cost around 400$ on eBay . i cannot guarantee that u can build the exact thing. But this will make an equivalent This is what i built with my circuit diagram. Doesn't it looks cool. Still the front panel is not printed for identification of controllers. there are 2 channels on the instrument. Left and Right both are equal and works separately. 1st 3 knobs are voltage, voltage fine tuning and current limiting.And the same for next 3 knobs. 1st 2 terminals are +v and -v for the 1st channel and the next two are for channel 2. bottom terminal is digital High (+5v) which is also and essential voltage output. So lets start...